Skating lessons on ice for 5 to 7 years old children
Purpose of this program
- It fits to the general sport development of a child
- Under professional supervision, we will teach them how to skate correctly from the beginning
- Enables children that are not able to skate on daily basis to try it out
- Possibility for teachers to involve ice skating lessons in a school activity program and to see how is skating taught
- Doctors recommend ice skating as a prevention and a treatment for asthmatics (dry cold air)
- September - February (outside yearly swimming lessons)
- 12 lessons (1 per week)
- To make a healthy relationship for a winter sport and to get used to be in a winter environment
- By learning how to skate you will start to develop kinetic learning
- Injury prevention (acquired skills at a young age will children consider as natural, they will act naturally in this environment after they grow up)
Additional information
- Pedagogic staff doesn’t have to get involved in the lessons
- It is possible to borrow skates (limited), children should have their own helmets (bycicle helmets, hockey helmets)